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Social Media Food Trends

As it's been a few months since the last round up of social media food trends, as well as the first one of this series posted on the blog, it felt like a good time for another post about recent food trends that are going viral with an evaluation by a Registered Dietitian (RD).

1. Zucchini Crumble

No, this is not a new yummy vegetable side dish. These videos encourage making an apple crumble with zucchini instead with the claim that this rendition tastes and cooks fairly similar to an apple. Completely honest opinion? There's absolutely no need to replace apples with a vegetable in an apple crumble/crisp type recipe. Apples themselves are delicious and in-season at this time, as well as being dietary sources of fiber and vitamin C. While zucchini is also delicious and nutritious, there is no need to replace one for the other. It's also important to remember that we make and eat foods for reasons other than simply their nutritional value; sometimes we want to make something because it is nostalgic or a tradition, like baking a recipe we used to make with a family member who has since passed away. And I can almost guarantee that nobody has a "family recipe" for this new bizarre trend.

2. Butter Boards

This trend has seemed to have taken over social media by storm. Everywhere you look, there's a butter board! I feel more amenable to this idea versus #1, however I think it's imperative to normalize eating butter and bread even when it's not a food trend. You may have an easier time and less clean up just eating a piece of toast with butter or buttered bread versus going through the logistics of creating a butter board. However if this sounds like a fun idea to try AND you are cool with eating bread and butter when it's not trendy, then go for it!

3. Avocado Hash Brown Toast

This is one I can get down with. The idea is simple and yummy - mashed avocado on top of air fried hash browns and finished off with your usual avocado toast toppings of choice. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying avocado toast on bread/toast, this can be a fun way to mix up a meal or snack option if you find you are getting sick of your usual preparation. By swapping out the bread for a hash brown you are still getting an adequate carbohydrate source. Some fun additions could be pomegranate seeds, pumpkin seeds, hot honey, sea salt, chili flakes or everything bagel seasoning. Be mindful that this meal idea does not contain much of a source of protein and consider if adding in something like an egg of some preparation may help to make this meal more satiating for you.

4. Copycat Recipes

This is another one that can be a great option to try, as long as we are being mindful that it’s not coming from a place of black and white thinking about food and/or food rules. Getting something to eat from a restaurant (of any kind, yes, even including fast food) is not “bad” or “unhealthy” as food does not exist in such a black and white manner. But there are plenty of reasons why someone may want to try a “copycat” recipes of a restaurant favorite at home - maybe it’s more cost effective, if somebody has any allergies or intolerances, if you are not longer living in an area with a restaurant that you like, and so on and so forth! It can also be a fun way to try new recipes and spend time in the kitchen. So just be mindful that you are not trying these because it feels wrong to go to a restaurant and pick something up.

5. "Healthy" Coke

This trend was first referenced on Instagram, as seen by this post, with a very simple reminder that you are allowed to enjoy a regular soda versus seltzer water mixed with balsamic vinegar. As the post references, if you find it fun to try these trends, by all means go for it. However if you feel inundated with what you “should” be eating and it’s causing guilt and shame when you maybe just prefer an ice cold soda over a mixture of vinegar and seltzers, it may be time to opt out. That may mean limiting or stopping usage of certain apps where you’re seeing these trends. Or maybe not discussing these topics with certain friends, family, coworkers who might try to push it on you.

It’s okay to acknowledge that these types of videos and content may not be conducive to your anti diet and/or recovery bubble, and set boundaries accordingly.

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