In Season Produce: Summer
We are almost a month into summer now (phew, it is flying by!), so it seems like a good time for another installment of a seasonal produce lineup! Previous posts have touched on seasonal produce available in the spring and autumn months so if you are interested in reviewing these, please use the links provided.
As mentioned in these posts, there are numerous positive reasons to buy and cook with what's in season including: items being more affordable, potential increased nutrient density and freshness of foods, plus a chance to potentially try unfamiliar produce.
Summer can also be a great time to support local farmers by visiting farm stands and farmer’s markets, signing up for a CSA (community-supported agriculture) or crop sharing opportunity, going to pick fresh produce or grow your own! If you are considering going to pick fresh fruit, I would recommend reviewing this post from a previous summer: Lessons Learned While Strawberry Picking, which talks about how to bring in body appreciation during an activity like this!
Produce in season for the summer:
Fruit | Vegetable |
​Apples | Bell peppers |
Bananas | Broccoli |
​Blueberries | Eggplant |
Cherries | Tomatoes |
Lemons | Zucchini |
Source: Seasonal Produce Guide
Here are some recipes previously shared on the blog that utilize some of the above seasonal ingredients:
Wherever you are reading from, whether it be poolside or hanging out inside enjoying the AC or a fan, thanks for following along; hope you enjoy some of these summery recipes with some fresh produce!